Why CineTRAIN Makes Dollars & Sense

The movie theater industry thrives on creating magical moviegoing experiences for audiences. But behind the scenes, keeping that magic alive relies on well-trained cinema staff. Hiring the right people is crucial, but the process doesn’t end there. Onboarding and training new employees are essential investments that can significantly impact your bottom line.

The High Cost of Turnover

Let’s face it, movie theaters are fast-paced environments. While industry-specific data on turnover rates and the exact impact of training on turnover rates might be limited, research from various sectors suggests a strong connection between effective training programs and employee retention.

Per a 2022 report by Zippia, “[t]he average annual turnover rate in the US is 57.3%.”[1] Given industry and employment trends over the past 2 years, and in talking with our CineTRAIN clients and other experts in the industry, it’s safe to say that the turnover rate for movie theaters may be 50% or more for most exhibitors, possibly higher depending on the circuit. This constant influx of new hires translates to real costs that impact your bottom line.

Beyond Salary: The Hidden Costs of Hiring

While salaries are a major expense, the real cost of hiring goes far beyond that initial paycheck. Here’s a breakdown of the hidden costs to consider:


    When calculating an average of both part time front line and full time management positions – including advertising, interviewing and background checks – the cost of filling a single position may be anywhere between $1500-$3000. According to a 2023 study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) the average cost per hire has increased 14% from just four years ago [2]. Also, consider the time spent by managers and HR personnel on the hiring process. This time spent by highly paid managers is valuable, and every hour spent creating and posting job descriptions, screening applications, and interviewing, also translates to lost productivity in other important areas.


    Onboarding encompasses more than just paperwork. It includes integrating new hires into the company culture, familiarizing them with policies and procedures, and providing basic job training. A 2020 Glassdoor report highlights the importance of a strong onboarding program, revealing a direct correlation between effective onboarding and employee retention [3].


    New hires require specific training on equipment operation, customer service, safety protocols, and more. Every minute an employee isn’t fully trained is time lost, where their full potential remains untapped, hindering their ability to contribute at maximum capacity.

    The ROI of CineTRAIN: Turning Costs into Savings

    Investing in a comprehensive training program like CineTRAIN, specifically designed for the movie theater industry, can significantly reduce both real and hidden costs associated with hiring and onboarding by helping you:

    Reduce Turnover

    CineTRAIN’s standardized training ensures new hires are well-equipped to succeed from day one, leading to increased job satisfaction and a significant reduction in turnover. A 2019 study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) found that companies with strong onboarding and training programs experience an average 50% reduction in turnover rates for new hires within the first six months [4]. With CineTRAIN, you can potentially save many thousands on re-hiring costs each year!

    Onboard Faster

    Ready-to-use training modules allow for quicker onboarding, getting new employees up to speed faster and contributing to the team sooner. This means less time spent training and more time delivering exceptional customer service. Per a 2022 study by Zippia, standardized onboarding “creates 50% more productive new employees.” [1]

    Increase Retention and Employee Development

    A 2021 report by LinkedIn Learning highlights a correlation between employee training and development opportunities and a decrease in turnover. The report states that “73% of learners say that access to learning and development opportunities makes them feel more valued by their employer, and 42% say it makes them more likely to stay with their company.” [5] Additionally, a 2022 report by Zippia states that “69% of employees with a good onboarding experience stay for at least three years.” [1]

    Reduce Reliance on Managers

    CineTRAIN’s cloud-based, online learning management platform frees up valuable management time by handling basic training tasks. This allows your managers to focus on coaching, leadership development, and other high-priority areas.

    Let’s Do the Math: The Numbers Tell the Story

    If your movie theater experiences a yearly turnover rate of 50%, with an average staff of 30 employees at a single location, that’s 15 new hires each year at that one location. Considering an average $2,250 cost per hire, replacing those employees would cost $2,250/employee * 15 employees = $33,750 per year per location.

    theater hiring infographic shows total annual hiring costs to be $33750
    theater hiring infographic shows total annual hiring costs to be $33750
    Now let’s see how CineTRAIN can save you money by reducing turnover rates and lowering hiring costs.
    cinetrain cost saving graphic shows cost savings to be $84375
    cinetrain cost saving graphic shows cost savings to be $84375
    CineTRAIN ROI: How do the savings stack up against the cost?

    Assuming 5 locations based on the numbers cited above, Year 1 saves you $84,375 or $7,031/mo. That means that whether you start with our Ready to Launch or Basic Customization package, CineTRAIN pays for itself and starts saving you money very quickly!


    $2,400 one-time setup fee
    $150/mo per location x 5 locations
    Year 1 costs: $11,400

    CineTRAIN pays for itself in


    $10,000 one-time setup fee
    $250/mo per location x 5 locations
    Year 1 costs: $25,000

    CineTRAIN pays for itself in


    $2,400 one-time setup fee
    $150/mo per location x 5 locations
    Year 1 costs: $11,400

    CineTRAIN pays for itself in


    $10,000 one-time setup fee
    $250/mo per location x 5 locations
    Year 1 costs: $25,000

    CineTRAIN pays for itself in

    Investing in Your Team, Investing in Your Success

    In conclusion, by investing in CineTRAIN, movie theaters can significantly reduce both the real and hidden costs associated with hiring, onboarding, and training. A well-trained and engaged workforce leads to better customer service, increased productivity, more efficient operations, and ultimately, a stronger bottom line. CineTRAIN doesn’t just train employees, it equips them to become valuable assets to your theater, contributing to a successful and profitable future.


    [1] Zippia: https://www.zippia.com/employer/employee-retention-statistics/

    [2] Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM): https://www.indeed.com/hire/c/info/cost-of-hiring-employees

    [3] Glassdoor: https://www.glassdoor.com/employers/blog/category/employee-onboarding/

    [4] Association for Talent Development (ATD): https://www.td.org/

    [5] LinkedIn Learning: https://learning.linkedin.com/resources/workplace-learning-report

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